Managing your Tasks

In the Tasks section of the Crimson app you can manage all your tasks by creating, editing, deleting and viewing them. You can have tasks that are related or unrelated to a mission in your roadmap. 


How do I create a task? 

When you don't have any tasks, your screen will look like this: 



Once you hit the button 'Add new task', you will be able to set the name of the task and a due date. 



Note: A due date is optional 



And you're all set!

Once the task is created, the screen will give you a comprehensive view of all your tasks separated by time slots:




Another way to create a task is to hit the button 'Add new task' displayed right below the tasks that have no due date.


Then you'll be able to name the task, select a due date and tag a mission:



Tasks & Roadmaps 

If a task has been tagged a mission, it becomes visible on your roadmap screen:


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