We have designed the Crimson app to work around the world. This means that you can set the timezone of your booking calendar based on upcoming trips to other parts of the world.
To do this select the down arrow next to your name in the left hand corner of the app. Select the 'Settings' option.
Within 'Settings' you have the ability to update the timezone of the Crimson app to the timezone of your choice.
Your booking calendar will be updated to reflect the new timezone, so any sessions you book with other users will received the time equivalent in their timezone.
Editing your timezone
However over the timezone box and a small pencil will appear in the top right hand corner, click on that.
Now de-select the check box 'Automatically detect my timezone.'. Once that is complete you will be able to scroll through the list of timezones to select the timezone you are after.
Once you have the timezone you are after, simply hit 'Save' and your timezone is updated throughout the app.
Note - the timezone of you app is automatically set to detect the timezone that your browser is set to.